Funds in the amount of $15,000 were awarded to assist in providing Food Security and Good Nutrition to our Collier County neighbors.
Collier County locals in need of food and good nutrition for themselves and their families will find themselves in a more secure position, thanks to the very generous grant awarded to SVdP Naples by Empty Bowls Naples.
“The entire $15,000 will go toward food security and good nutrition,” said Carl Monticelli, Director of Development for SVdP. “This means that Meals on Wheels, our Choice Food Pantry, and other food-based programs can now help more of our Collier County neighbors.”
Learn more about the services offered by St. Vincent de Paul, including how to volunteer, donate and apply for assistance.
Empty Bowls Naples Inc. enlists creative talents of local artists and volunteers to raise funds. These are then distributed to local non-profit organizations sharing their mission to “create awareness and eliminate hunger in our communities ONE BOWL at a time”.