In reflecting on the past six months, and my role as Development Director, I was reminded today that I can sum it up simply by saying, “SVdP Naples Provides.” I obviously have the main objective of asking individuals, organizations/foundations, businesses, for donations and grants; so, in other words, we need your money. I do it proudly by following our mission: We are a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness, and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need; we are ingrained in the fabric of Collier County in helping all those in need with a series of wonderful programs as highlighted throughout this newsletter. Without the support of our patrons, we could not continue towards a goal of creating systemic change within the lives of the neighbors we serve.
SVdP Provides: A nutritious meal and wellness checks for homebound seniors and the disabled, groceries for individuals and families, essentials and compassion for the homeless community, financial aid in keeping families in their homes, furniture, clothing, household items for those in need, financial literacy….The list and need goes on, but SVdP Naples Provides….
Despite a robust economy in Collier County and the availability of jobs and increased wages, inflation and the lack of affordable housing negates these positives for the low-income and marginalized (they never seem to catch a break). SVdP Naples continues to provide and will do so well into the future. So, my work endures, and your support of the Society is needed more than ever. We also have dreams, and they include expansion of programs and services, and consolidation of our facilities to better support our neighbors.
We are holding our first, of what I hope will be the annual, Donor Appreciation Dinner in thanking our great supporters and to discuss a vision for the future. But I invite all donors to reach out to me in discussing how we support our community, help those in need, and our vision for the future. There is a donation envelope (website works as well) attached to this page, and I ask you to please use it and be as generous as possible!
In closing, I would like to share a speech given by Commissioner Rick LoCastro in celebration of SVdP Naples, over 50 years of service within Collier County, at a Chamber sponsored Ribbon Cutting of our Family Center at 4451 Mercantile Ave.
SVdP Provides: Part of the fabric of Collier County in loving service to our neighbors!
Many Blessings, Carl
Carl Monticelli
Director Development
St. Vincent de Paul Society Naples